Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures: Stepping into a Brave New World
At the risk of sounding 104 years old, my how times have changed, even since I graduated from law school. Economic hardship is shaping the way lawyers do business and how new and even seasoned lawyers are entering (or re-entering) an atrophied and evolving workforce. These strained circumstances may give rise to greater professional creativity and risk taking.
I happen to know a little something about this, having been general counsel of a non-profit that went out of business. Finding comparable work proved difficult and the competition for those limited positions was tough. I did something radical and stopped to consider what I wanted my next professional step to be. My original Plan A (to again serve as general counsel) soon gave way to my current plan – to build my own mediation and collaborative law practice. If asked earlier in my career whether I would hang out my own shingle, I would have laughed at the ridiculous suggestion. I have always preferred security and stability to the unknown. But here I am and I am not alone.
So, now I am curious:
- Have you taken a professional leap? If so, what was the leap and why did you take it?
- What have you found to be effective (and/or ineffective) marketing, networking and/or advertising strategies?
I hope to get enough information to share in an upcoming article. Please send your response to [email protected]. (It will also be interesting to see if anyone besides my wonderful, supportive family is reading my blog contributions.)
If you have leapt but the net has not quite appeared, I leave with you some parting thoughts.
“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” -Albert Einstein
“I have failed many times, that is why I am a success.” -Michael Jordan
“Don’t crawl into bed with a pint of ice cream, a fifth of vodka and a bag of chips. You will regret it in the morning.” -Christie Foppiano
Here’s to risk taking in our brave new world! I will be waiting for your email.
By Christie M. Foppiano

Foppiano Mediations
Christie M. Foppiano
Attorney and DRC Certified
Superior Court Mediator
Phone: 919.632.1715
Fax: 919.439.6429
PO Box 4661, Cary, NC 27519-4661